Rental Info

Entry to Palma Sola Trace

Palma Sola Trace Villas
Rental Information

Rental Information for Palma Trace Villas provides information to both the Villa owner and the renter. The information is an abbreviated version of information from our governing documents and Florida statutes.

Community Location:
Palma Sola Trace Villas – 75th Street and Cortez Road, Bradenton, Florida.

Palma Sola Trace Rental Handbook

Note: Information is subject to change


On behalf of the Palma Sola Trace Villas HOA, we would like to welcome you to the community.  Our neighborhood is one of three within the Palma Sola Trace Community and is governed by a Board of Director staff.

Rental Information for Palma Trace Villas, provides information to both the Villa owner and the renter.  The information in the pamphlet is an abbreviated version of information from our governing documents and Florida statutes.  All Palma Sola Trace Master and Villas Association Documents and Florida Statutes shall have priority over this document.

Leasing Provisions: Villa lots may be rented/leased only in their entirety; no fraction or portion may be rented. There shall be no subleasing of Lots or assignment of leases unless prior written approval is obtained from the Villas Board of Directors. All leases shall be in writing except with the prior written consent of the Villas Board of Directors. A copy of the signed lease must be provided to our Property Management Company no-later-than 10 days before the start of the lease.  Except, as otherwise required by law, the tenants must be the lessee and his/her family within the first degree of relationship by blood, adoption or marriage. The minimum lease term for any Villa Lot within the properties is one (1) year.

Palma Sola Trace Rentals
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Contact Julie at C&S for more information. 941-758-9454